Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Your a child of the 80s if....

1. You consider Ocean Pacific a designer label.
2. You thought the Stray Cats were bringing guitars back to rock 'n' roll.
3. You thought the lead singer of Poison was hot ... until you realized she was a he.
4. You still get the shakes when you remember Apple Macintosh's 1984 advertisement.
5. You preferred Van Hagar to Van Halen.
6. You thought George Michael was straight.
7. You had just discovered this great new singer called Tina Turner.
8. You owned a home Beta video recorder.
9. The Day After gave you nightmares.
10. Your favorite G.I. Joe figure was Snake Eyes.
11. You wondered what Lisa Bonet was doing married to that loser Lenny Kravitz.
12. You never figured out who the crooks were on Murder She Wrote.
13. You believed The Last Temptation of Christ was going to send Martin Scorsese to hell.
14. You regard Look Who's Talking as a turning point in John Travolta's career.
15. You admired Bill Cosby's taste in sweaters in The Cosby Show.
16. You didn't realize The Official Preppy Handbook was a gag.
17. You rolled up the sleeves on your sports jacket for the Sonny Crockett look.
18. You had no problems thinking members of the Miami police department drove Lamborghinis.
19. You thought Burt and Loni were a fairytale romance.
20. You thought Clint Eastwood would one day be president.
22. You weren't sick of Robin Williams yet.
23. L'Oreal mousse changed your life overnight.
24. You stuck around after the commercial break to see if the General Lee on The Dukes of Hazzard really made it over that dried-out gulch when the bridge was down.
25. David Byrne seemed like the strangest guy ever.
26. You watched The Tracey Ullman Show for the funny cartoon segments about the yellow people.
27. You thought acid wash jeans were as important an evolutionary step as the wheel.
28. You believed Liberace really died from eating nothing but watermelon.
29. You got your medical knowledge from watching TV movies.
30. You wondered who those old guys were in the Run-D.M.C. "Walk This Way" video.
31. You threw out your Atari console after buying an Intellivision.
32. You were 99.9% sure Sue Ellen shot J.R.
33. You can watch Scarface without once thinking of rap music.
34. You remember Ronald Reagan making that "We begin bombing Russia in five minutes" joke.
35. The notion of a roller-skating musical starring Olivia Newton-John and Gene Kelly with music from ELO seemed like a good idea.
36. Porky's seemed like a new low.
37. You'd stay up late to watch The Hitchhiker on HBO, because of the dirty bits.
38. You could only complete two sides of Rubik's Cube.
39. Simon Le Bon's lyrics made sense to you.
40. War Games had you wondering if you could really start Armageddon using your crummy TRS-80.

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